Switch UP: 40% Growth

Whitney leaning against a railing on a downtown street

Discover how launching Switchup.gg made an impact on Mark and Glen’s followers

Since launching their website switchup.gg, Mark and Glen have seen a 40% growth in their audience. They attribute this success to the supportive community they've built and the quality of content they produce.

Mark and Glen are passionate gamers and their love for the industry shines through their content. They care about their audience and launching their website was a new way to engage with their community. From the beginning, the main concern was to provide excellent support and to maintain their high reputation within their community.

How we helped

famehype has established global partnerships with Nintendo so Switch UP could offer top up, subscription and preorder games to their audience. Every purchase from the store supports the channel, so Mark and Glen can continue entertaining us with their very insightful reviews. The platform has permitted Switchup to give back to their fans by offering unique promotions and early access to the games.